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Hi, I am Kim, owner of Eating Made Simple!

As a wife, mother, bonus mom, and grandmother, I know how unpredictable life can get which makes it difficult to put your health and wellness first.
In order to keep life a little more simple, I developed Eating Made Simple with the busy woman in mind. 
Watch me lose 30 lbs and maintain my success with macro-friendly meals I have developed and now bundled into weekly meals, shopping guides, and recipes for the working woman!

the journey

My journey with aging, a cancer diagnosis, Hashimoto's, menopause, and the weight gain that comes along with all that got me to start thinking hard about taking the time to invest in my health and well-being. All the things I had done in the past to stay fit and lose weight just didn't work anymore. 

I realized that I had to completely change what I ate, how much I ate, and exercise differently, so that's what I did. I started with Optivia, a packaged food weight loss plan. It really puts into perspective food choices and how much we truly overeat. I lost 15 pounds and felt great, however, I quickly realized Optivia was only a short-term solution. I knew I needed to really focus on eating better with non-packaged foods. I needed to incorporate real foods into my daily life so that began my love affair with macro counting. I found foods and recipes I enjoyed, then made them work within my macros losing the last 15 pounds. 


the result

I love how great I feel, the energy I have, no more bloating, and no more stomach issues so sharing what I have done with others is now a passion of mine.


I want to help others feel as good and as confident as I do! 

30 lbs down


begin your journey to healthier living, today! 

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